“You make us smile…
Most of you kept your sense of humor and charm through 2020, which helped us keep ours!  If you have requested an appointment through our website, you may or may not have responded to the last question- ‘Tell us something fun about you and your guests’. Most of you sent love notes, check-ins and most importantly, shout outs to Ace and the team. Many of you were celebrating anniversaries, reunions of family and friends, birthdays or just wanted a safe space to spend a sunny afternoon.
We thoroughly enjoyed many of your responses, so much we thought it would be fun to share with the rest of your extended Whetstone family.
Here are the top 10 responses from 2020:
(our reply in parentheses)
Just some girlfriends needing to get some fresh air
after 42 days of homeschooling. (Word!)
The head of the group may always be on the phone.
(As long as it is not on speaker.)
We recently became plant parents.
(Hope you’re are getting enough sleep.)
We’re not fun. (We can help you work on that.)
My girlfriend is quite unique be prepared. Her name is Aime.
(We’re a little nervous- how about a private table?)
Maybe I’ll come engaged- fingers crossed. 🙂
(We will try to act natural.  Is there a code word?!)
I love Chardonnay, my guest doesn’t really drink wine.
(Great, we don’t make chardonnay.)
I love sea otters and surfing. (So do we!)
Just found red wine is good and grapes. I love swimming in nature.
(I think we understand.)
My friends doesn’t like wine—help me change his mind.
(You are coming to the right place!)
Spring Release…
A message from Jamey –
As I look at a bluebird sitting on our string lights over the Chateau lawn raising hell with the world below, I am reminded how wonderful it will be to welcome all of you back this spring. Days are now longer; we’ve had an extremely mild winter, and we are stoked to enjoy Whetstone wines with you again!
The 2019’s are pretty spectacular. I am biased, yes. The 2019 Viognier is exotic, hedonistic, and should have you laughing out loud as you careen into your second glass with some scallops and a squeeze of Meyer lemon. The Pleasant Hill Vineyard seems to taunt me every…freakin’…year… to just try and screw up Russian River Pinot Noir perfection. I did not, btw 😉
So many thanks for all your support. It means a whole lot.”