Dear Friends, The saying goes – You can live without new shoes and garments; can thrive without computers, and move without vehicles; however, you cannot live without food. Good grief we have enjoyed a really hot summer! Our garden has benefited handsomely with...
“In dedication of Ace Whetstone… Spring was his favorite time of year – longer daylight hours and time on the patio warming himself in the sun, vineyard visits during budbreak, and sunset walks with mom and dad.Dear Friends, It is with the greatest...
“Come As Strangers, Leave As Family… Dear Friends, As we celebrate our tenth year open at the Chateau, our immediate thoughts go to all of you who have walked through these doors and celebrated milestones of ours, as well as your own. Throughout the years...
“Eat, Drink, Love A message from Michelle – Dear Friends, We hope you all are enjoying the beginnings of a new year and that 2023 is full of delicious food, great wine, and plenty of harmony! The end of 2022 found Jamey and I finally taking our...
“Dear Friends, The last 20 years of Whetstone would not have been possible without all of you. Many of you have been with us from day one, tracking us down in a vineyard, in our kitchen, or anywhere we could pop some bottles in the early years. Sharing a glass...
“A message from Jamey – In 2002 Turley was growing precipitously. Splitting time between facilities in Paso Robles and St. Helena and the myriad of vineyards all over the state did NOT leave much time to start a wine company. Leap and the net will appear....