“In dedication of Ace Whetstone…
Spring was his favorite time of year – longer daylight hours and time on the patio warming himself in the sun, vineyard visits during budbreak, and sunset walks with mom and dad.Dear Friends,
It is with the greatest sadness we write this message to all of you who have loved Ace as much as we have – He passed away on the morning of NYE.
I accidentally found Ace online and knew on a deeper level that he was “”the one””. As a new puppy was not in the plans or a part of the family discussion, I had to think quickly – I asked Jamey if he wanted to go for a surf in Santa Cruz, and I dropped the news on the drive down. On December 22nd, 2013 Ace came into our lives and changed us as a family forever.
When we opened the Chateau in 2013, Ace quickly began building lovely relationships with all who stepped through the Whetstone door. The hours and hours of cuddles, ear (and rear) scratches, and of course, belly rubs, are too many to count. Ace will be greatly missed by many, but by none more so than his mom; He was my soul mate (sorry Jamey), my protector, my therapist, and my favorite family member (sorry kids). Ace was an old soul… no greater companion and no better friend.
– Michelle
“”Ace the GOOOOOOOOD BOYYYYYY!!!”” That’s what I greeted him with every single time I saw him. He was all that and then some. His energy was silly, needy, playful, loving, hungry, jealous, protective, and sympathetic. He loved greeting each of you at the parking lot (usually with one of his babies in tow) and dining al fresco on the Tasting Room patio with all our guests. Like me, he loved to sneeze, trap gophers, and go for long walks in the vineyard. The cows behind our vineyard HATED Ace; he never knew how lucky he was to have a fence as a buffer. Dogs can be a wonderful salve for all that ails us, and Ace was that in spades for Michelle. As much as I like to think he worshipped his supreme leader (me), he loved Michelle more than life itself.
– Jamey
Spring Release:
A message from Jamey –
Holy cow Harvest 2023 was long and drawn out, with lots of nervous days worrying over fruit getting ripe. The summer was one of the coolest I’ve been a part of since 1998. There were three days where I was thinning fruit myself and remembering how blue collar my chosen profession truly is. Year of the farmer for sure and I couldn’t be more stoked with what we brought into the barn.
For those of you who enjoy the more hedonistic side of my grape growing and winemaking, you’ll be tickled with the ’22s. The ‘Catie’s Corner’ Viognier is loaded with pleasure and for sure should be a shared experience with those you love! The ‘Pleasant Hill’ Pinot Noir is bang-on Russian River at its finest and will reward cellaring.”