20 Years of Whetstone: Chapter 6

20 Years of Whetstone: Chapter 6

“WINEMAKING Vigneron: noun. Person who cultivates grapes for winemaking. It’s a French term that gets to the heart of my chosen profession. IMO you must have a base knowledge in all facets of farming grapes in order to make good wine. In my experience it takes a...
20 Years Of Whetstone: Chapter 5

20 Years Of Whetstone: Chapter 5

“Here’s the thing about the vineyard, It’s where the magic happens…” Vineyards. Special places. I find solitude in them. Wonderful opportunity to leave the phone in the pickup. Setting: Tippy top of Howell Mountain. Scene: Planting 47...
20 Years of Whetstone: Chapter 4

20 Years of Whetstone: Chapter 4

“The Start of Whetstone. February 2002 I went into Larry’s office end of the working day. He knew I had something to get off my chest. Turley was a juggernaut; expansion & renovation of the Paso property in full swing. Howell Mountain vineyards coming on...

20 Years of Whetstone: Chapter 3

“Mentors throughout the years… Larry Turley I knew I wanted to quit my restaurant job the day I got to go spend a few hours with Larry, Ehren Jordan, Bob Nicolayson, and Thomas Brown up at a spot called the Whitney Tennessee Vineyard. Bright, cool, windy...
20 Years of Whetstone: Chapter 2

20 Years of Whetstone: Chapter 2

“1996: Moving to Napa.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ...
20 Years of Whetstone Chapter 1

20 Years of Whetstone Chapter 1

“Charleston, South Carolina is a magical place, integral to me becoming me. Less James Dewitt Whetstone Jr, more Jamey Whetstone. One of the spots that indelibly imprinted the Low Country ideals of drink hard, play hard, work hard on my soul was Magnolias…...